Thinking of building your legacy? Good stuff!
Jun 28, 2023We can flirt with life and our goals because we are not fully committed. Yet, what we might need is another approach.
Consider how you treat your life if you want to see an impact.
- It might be very casual, and you are just flowing and going through the motion.
- It is proactive, and you are in the driver's seat; you want to see your life thrive.
Life can be fun when you pursue goals that are dear to you. It might be different from what you would expect, always shiny and rosy, so people give up. Those who want to make an impact, they stick it out.
1. Today as you ask yourself what the next decade will look like, try to be creative and give yourself the space to dream bigger.
2. Then go and write down your next action steps!
3. Make a first step. When you have thought of the action steps, decide on the first tiny step toward it. Remember, you are playing a long game, and check-in with yourself regularly.
Want to get better at having more people in your life, dive into the networking scene!
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